October 04, 2022 | Niels Laan | Intermediate switches/Wall plugs
Aqara Smart Plug - The best smart plug?
Installation on the Aeotec Smart Home Hub - Smartthings:
We will also add this Aqara smart plug to the Smartthings hub from Aeotec/Samsung. You can do this by going to your devices and clicking the plus sign in the top right corner. To add it we use the scan option. You can find the code on the back of the manual. Once the scan has started, supply the plug with power and hold down the button on the plug for 5 seconds until the LED starts flashing blue. After a few seconds, the plug is found as "Switch".
Installation screens:
You get an on and off switch and we see the current consumption and the total consumption.
Example Automation:
We make an automation where the plug is turned on 40 minutes before the sun goes down.
- Intro
- Installation Homey
- Installation Smartthings
- Installation Home Assistant
- Installation Philips HUE
- Competition/buy advice
- Conclusion
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