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June 03, 2021 | Niels Laan | Eco-DIM, Built-in dimmer

Eco-DIM.10 - Smart LED Dimmer Module - Zigbee

Frequently Asked Questions

What protocol does this dimmer support?
The Zigbee protocol is supported. There is also a Z-wave variant on the market.

What is the installation depth of this dimmer?
At least 33mm.

Do I need a blue wire?
You do not need a blue wire with this dimmer, but you can also connect it with a blue wire.


What kind of lamps can I connect?
You can connect halogen, incandescent and LED lamps.


What is the maximum power that can be connected?
A maximum of 3000W can be connected if you use an incandescent/halogen lamp and a maximum of 250W with an LED.


I can't get the lamp added?
Make sure the module is close to the controller and be patient. Sometimes you have to try a few times.


My lamp flickers when I turn it on. What can I do about it?
The obvious option is to try a different lamp, but you can also try adjusting the minimum and maximum level. Other options is to connect it with 3 wires.

This product is for sale for:

€ 50

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels

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Built-in dimmer