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December 23, 2020 | Niels Laan | Fibaro, Controllers, Fibaro

Fibaro Home Center 3


Before we dive into the depths, it is nice to show what you can do with the Home Center 3. Because why would I not just buy a Philips HUE set that only costs a fraction of the price. With that I can also serve my home. Well, that's certainly true, but with the HC3 you can really do a lot more.

Truly smart lighting:

With most Smart Home controllers you can switch lighting and equipment on and off. This is of course also possible with the HC3. This can be done via the APP as well as via a normal switch. But this controller can do even more. For example, you can make smart rules. This is often possible with a simple controller, but the HC3 takes this further. You can set many more conditions for a rule. Imagine that in your hall you want to switch on a lamp when there is movement, but we only want this when it is dark enough and I am at home, for example. In addition, we also want that if it is after midnight then it does not turn on so brightly.

We will come back to how you make such a rule later in this review. But this is a strength of the HC3 because such a line is quite easy to click together. So you can imagine that the possibilities are endless.

Burglars have no chance


The great thing about the HC3 is that it has a very extensive alarm panel built in. This allows you to have a well-secured home in a few clicks. Access codes can be used so that you can also give third parties access. Or if you do not want this, you can remotely switch the alarm on / off. If you have a smart lock you can even open / close the door. If you also work with cameras, you can still keep an eye on everything. Because various cameras can also be used in the HC3.

Of course, the alarm is also very easy to activate with, for example, a switch or the APP. The alarm works together with the sensors that you already have at home for your lighting. This also saves additional costs for an alarm system.

The nice thing about the HC3 is that you are not necessarily tied to the "standard" alarm system, because you can adjust the system completely to your liking through smart rules.

Brrr cold huh:

You know, you come home and then the heating still has to work to get your house up to temperature. The HC3 has a built-in climate system that can communicate with your smart thermostat. This can ensure that your house is nice and comfortable when you come home.

Of course you do not want your heating to be on unnecessarily. By using smart radiator buttons (such as the "Fibaro heat controller") you can set the temperature per room. Or even not switch it on at all, if you already know that you are only there at night. Forgetting to turn off your heating is also a thing of the past. The Fibaro Home Center 3 knows when no one is home and switches it off for you. Of course, this all saves on your heating costs.

If you have an air conditioner, you can also connect it to the system. Then it will never get too hot in your house. The whole can of course also be operated via the APP and smart rules.

Bah your garden smart too

With a Smart Home you don't think about your garden that quickly. But if you do have a system, you can also make your garden smart. The HC3 has various options for this. For example, you can have your garden watered on time when it has been warm all day. The HC3 has a special weather plugin for this.

Having your garden mowed automatically is also possible and of course preferably when you are not at home.

Endless possibilities

The above is just a selection of the possibilities, because the possibilities are endless. That is also the nice thing about the system, because you can expand more and more over time and connect more.

This product is for sale for:

€ 549

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels

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