Fibaro Walli Outlet/Power Socket

With this Walli Outlet you can make your socket smart. If you install this you can switch it on and off remotely. This socket has a maximum power of 3680W, which is sufficient for most devices. Think, for example, of a coffee machine or a washing machine, a simple lamp is of course also possible.
The Walli replaces your existing socket. For this you have to unscrew the old ones (of course, first remove the power) and connect the existing wires to the Walli. This does not have to be complicated.
A standard frame is supplied with the Walli, but it is also possible to integrate it into the existing switchgear system. Various adapters are available for this.
It is elegantly designed and has a round LED ring that lights up when you switch it on. You can determine the color of this LED yourself, but it can also show the consumption by means of colors (red is a lot, green less).
It works via the wireless Z-Plus protocol and can be purchased for € 76.50. This is not the cheapest solution, if you are looking for it, it is better to opt for a separate built-in dimmer. But if you include your switchgear, the costs are not too bad.
Current measurement
Maximum power of 3690W
Neatly finished / is well put together
Not the cheapest solution
LED cannot be operated via a scene on all controllers
Final assessment
8.0We would like to thank Fibaro Benelux for making a test copy available.