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April 14, 2021 | Niels Laan | Fibaro, Built-in switches

Fibaro Walli Outlet/Power Socket

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I continue to use my own switching material (is it compatible)?
Yes, but you do need a special frame for this. The following systems are compatible:

- GIRA - System 55
- Legrand
- Schneider - Odance

What installation wires do I need to connect it?
You need an L (brown), N (blue) and the F-Earth (yellow).

What is the maximum power to be connected?
That's 3680W.

Can you turn off the LED of the Walli?
Yes, this is possible via parameter 13.

What is the minimum installation depth?
More than 40mm is recommended

Which protocol does this dimmer support?
The Z-wave Plus protocol is supported.

I am not getting the dimmer added, what am I doing wrong?
Make sure the dimmer is close to your controller and quickly press the button 3 times in a row. If you do this too slowly, adding will not be activated.

This product is for sale for:

Fibaro Walli Outlet/Power Socket
€ 77

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels

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