Hombli Set

Installing the APP:
I install the APP via the Google store on my test mobile, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, with the latest firmware and updates. Searching the store for “Hombli” initially does not give me any search results. I open a browser and Google to Hombli and Google Store and the first result takes me to the Google Store App with the option to install the Hombli App. Strange that the first search yielded no results. Then I go back to the main screen of the Google Store App and search for “Hombli” again, now I get results. So somewhere a hitch at Google.
The installation:
Then I press install and the APP is on my mobile in no time. After this I open the APP and I get the choice to register or use an existing account. I select "Register" and as a good user I do not read the Privacy Policy and select "Agree" the only way to proceed. We will of course go into the Privacy Policy a bit later, but of course nobody does that while a lot of (personal) information about your household will be stored in the cloud. You register with an email address to which a verification code will be sent. You enter this code and then you can enter a password, after which you will enter the main screen of the APP and the installation is ready.
Not very complicated and the procedure that you see with more systems.
Now that we have completed the registration process, we can continue with the options. We show some.