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INNR Smart Plug - SP-220 (SP-120)

Installation on Philips HUE:

As mentioned in the intro, this plug is a nice alternative to the HUE products. It would of course also be nice if this plug also works with the Gateway from Philips. We're going to find out by adding it.

Start the Philips HUE APP first and go to the settings and press "" accessories configuration ". Then press" add accessories "and find the intermediate plug. Now we supply the plug with power and keep the button on the top Pressed for 5 seconds The LED under the button will blink red It blinks green when adding is successful It takes a while until I see the plug in the APP but then I can switch it on / off and use it in a scene.

Installation screens:


I am getting an on-/off switch.

Example scene:

We ensure that when the sun sets that the INNR is switched on.

This product is for sale for:

INNR Smart Plug - SP-220 (SP-120)
€ 25

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels