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August 06, 2021 | Lidl, Controllers,

Lidl Smart Lighting Start KIT with colour Bulbs E27 - LivarnoLux/SliverCrest

Comparison Lidl and Philips HUE:

If we compare this starter kit from Lidl with the Philips HUE (white color), the price difference is immediately apparent. You have the HUE for around 125.00 euros, the Lidl set costs 49.00 euros and then you get even one lamp less at Philips. Now the price difference is noticeable in the finish. The HUE lamps and remote control feel a lot more solid and look less plastic. Philips definitely has an edge here. What Philips also has an edge for is the color of the light of the lamps. These feel a lot more natural and look less artificial. Of course this is very personal.

If we look at the range, you will see that Philips has been on the market for a while and the range is therefore very large. On the other hand, you won't find a fan or doorbell at Philips.

Comparison Lidl with INNR:

INNR has a comparable starter set as the one from Lidl. This consists of a gateway and 2 lamps. These are just no color lamps and no remote control is included. This set is therefore a lot more limited. It is for sale for around 80.00 euros, which makes it a lot more expensive than the 49.00 euros that is asked for Lidl.

The INNR lamps do feel a bit less cheap and give better light than the Lidl variant. INNR mainly focuses on lighting products and therefore do not have a fan in their range, for example. On the other hand, the lighting range is a lot more extensive.

Both products use the Zigbee protocol.

Making rules/scenes is very basic at INNR, at Lidl you can do a lot more.

Comparison Lidl and Homey:

This may be a somewhat unfair comparison because the Homey costs almost 8 times as much (399.00) and nothing extra is included. The big difference is that the Homey supports multiple protocols. There is support for Z-Wave, WiFi, Bluetooth and 433Mhz. This makes you less dependent on 1 manufacturer and you can often use cheaper modules (such as Xiaomi). This support also gives you more access to advanced devices such as light sensors, built-in dimmers, wall switches and smart curtains.

Creating rules/scenes is also much more extensive in the Homey. For example, you get access to variables to make calculations and to fill in conditions. You can also use your location in rules. So when you get home, only appliances will be turned on.

The Homey also has an extensive energy section to keep an eye on your consumption. This is missing in the Lidl Smart Home system.

In short: The Homey is much more extensive. Whether this is worth 360 euros more is of course up to you, but if you want to get serious about automating your home, a Homey should not be missing.

Comparison Lidl and Ikea:

Finally, we compare the Lidl smart hub with that of Ikea. Ikea also has a wide range of Smart Home products and these are also reasonably priced. As is the starter set for sale for € 79.00. You get 2 White LED lamps, hub and a remote control. So you get less than with the Lidl starter kit, and it is also cheaper.

The difference is that the Ikea products are a bit more solid and the light from the lamps is less artificial. These lamps also do not suffer from a zooming sound.

Making rules is a lot less extensive at the Ikea Hub than at the Lidl. There is a possibility to switch on location.


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