SwitchBot Curtain & Meter & Hub & Button
We will now start with the installation which according to SwitchBot will take 30 seconds. That seems very optimistic to me!
The first step is to download the APP. An Android and iOS version is available. By the way, you can easily find this by scanning the QR code in the supplied "Quick Guide" page.
We then press the plus sign. After this I first have to create an account (or log in) to be able to continue at all. You must of course agree to the terms and conditions. I just checked it out and there's not much in it. Except that the data is shared with Google and FireBase. This is pretty much with every APP so this is nothing new under the sun.
After filling in my details, you have to verify your email address. Now we can log in and we have to press the plus sign again. This is followed by a whole range of products. We must have the Curtain so we select it.
The next step is to press and hold the "pair" button on the Curtain for 2 seconds. He was found immediately afterwards. If this is not the case, you need to make sure that the SwitchBot and your phone get closer to each other.
Now that the phone is connected to the SwitchBot we need to select the rail type. In our case we have a U rail. After selecting, we are asked if we want to see a video or picture guide. This explains the installation step by step. All well arranged.
We will go through all the steps in the screens below.
Close your curtains and take off the last hook. My curtains consist of 2 parts and they close in the middle. So this is the first hook from the middle that I untie.
Now you need to hook the hook (which is supplied separately) to the rail. I still have a look in the supplied manual because I think I saw some other steps there. You first need to know what kind of rail you have. My U rail has a type A and type B. With the latter, the edges on the inside of the rail are slightly raised. This matters for the wheels in which the motor moves. These must of course fit well and not move too much. 5 different sizes are included and there is even a template to see which wheel fits best. In my case I was able to use the 5-14 already installed on the hook.
The next step is to attach the motor to the hook that is already on the rail. Make sure the logo is on the front (curtain side) because there are some sensors on the back. More on this later.
Then we hang the last hook of the curtain back on so that the motor is no longer visible.
Now we need to tell the SwitchBot which direction to go. We choose "from the middle" because our curtain consists of 2 parts. He now also comes with the message that we need 2 SwitchBots. So the next step is to link these as well and hang them in the same way.
Now that both motors are hanging we have to start the calibration. After all, the SwitchBot needs to know what is open and closed. The first step is to make sure the curtains are completely closed. You then tell the left motor what is completely open and what is closed. You also repeat this with the right side. Now the SwitchBot knows the different positions and you can test this. This all went well for me, except that I find it moves quite choppy.