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October 03, 2018 | Niels Laan | Xiaomi, Window/door sensors

Xiaomi door/window sensor


This door and window sensor is a nice addition to further automate your home. This makes it a lot easier to switch on a lamp automatically. As an addition to your alarm system, I find it a little less suitable due to the lack of a tamper trigger. It is powered by a coin-cell battery (CR1632). The disadvantage is that this battery is not available everywhere, but is often cheaper than, for example, a CR123A battery (which is often used in Z-Wave devices).

The reaction time of the sensor is striking. This is super fast. There is no possibility to screw the sensor on, this is a shame because you, especially at a door, knock it off quickly.

There are no configuration options with this sensor, this is not a problem in itself because there is often not much to configure with such a sensor. It is for sale between € 10 and € 15 and not available here in the Netherlands. You will have to let him come from China. Something to keep in mind for a while. Guarantee.

As a final plus, I want to mention that this sensor is super small, even the smallest on the market. He has a good WAF :)

There is also an Aqua version of this door/window sensor which we will also be handling soon.

So: Are you looking for an opportunity to further automate your house? Then the Xiaomi door / window sensor is a good addition.

Response time

With a number of controllers you must use the Xiaomi Gateway
Cannot be ordered in the Netherlands
No possibility to screw it down

This product is for sale for:

€ 10

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels