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October 03, 2018 | Niels Laan | Xiaomi, Window/door sensors

Xiaomi door/window sensor

The Homey has the possibility to use this through / through sensor directly without the Xiaomi Gateway. To add it, log in to the Homey and go to your devices. Then click on the plus sign and look for the Xiaomi door / window sensor.
If you do not have the APP you have to install it. To start adding, press a pin in the hole on the side for 3 seconds. The LED will blink blue. Then keep pressing the hole every 2 seconds to ensure that the button stays awake. Continue to do this until it is completely added by the Homey.

I see the sensor appear and the opening / closing of the door is registered. The only thing missing is the battery status.

Installation screens:


As is often the case with Zigbee devices, nothing can be set.


Flow options:


Example flow:

I want when the door opens, and the sun has set, that the hall lamp comes on.

To determine the sunset I use a FIbaro Motion sensor. With this I can read the lux value and then determine whether it is dark enough to justify that the lamp can be switched on. I find this a bit more accurate than the standard sunrise / sunset flow chart that Homey offers.

This product is for sale for:

€ 10

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels